Brittany Travels: Part 1

Monday, January 23, 2023 12:28 | Filled in Travels

Last October, some friends asked us to organize a trip through Brittany with them, to celebrate their marriage and extend their honeymoon adventures.  They wanted us to travel with them and this sounded like a fun adventure for us all.  We had been in Brittany years ago with another friend and had a good time with fond memories and I would suggest Brittany as a great place to go for all good experiences and we had many.

We started out in Nantes, which is the birth place of Jules Verne, and where the creativity he invoked still remains.  Following you will see some of the beauty and creativity of Nantes.

A Fascinating Shopping Mall


Instant Gallery


The Duke’s Palace


Stretched Gargoyle


Machines de L’Isle

These are great machines that people can participate with, and the attendants encourage it.  There are many more animated creatures and creations at this site.


Flying Heron


Freeky Tarantula


The local park had many clever sculpture pieces that were quite comical.


Creative images in local park



And some restful spots, as well.


Pleasant Hide Away, Nantes


Unique Architecture, Nantes


After Nantes, we headed for Vannes.  There was a little confusion as to where we were staying and so I was jostling around trying to park, while my fellow passengers where looking for the correct address of our rental apartment.  One thing that Brittany needs is more parking but the local people were helpful and Vannes was worth any troubles.  We enjoyed it’s Medieval Architecture, markets, food and pleasant atmosphere.


Old Architecture


Lovely Park


Vannes City View


Medieval Structures, Vannes


Vannes Fortifications


Vannes Saturday Market

While stopping in Vannes, we visited Josselin Castle, Carnac and Rochefort-en-terre.


Josselin Castle


Inside Josselin Fortifications


Gardens of Josselin


Flower Gardens, Josselin


River View, Josselin


Scene by Creek, Josselin Castle


For a very different scene, we went to Carnac which is a very ancient area for the Celtic culture.  There we saw many menhirs, dolmens and a lovely forest area.


Fields of Menhirs

There is much speculation about the purpose of these, but I think the final answer is still not known.


Menhir Alignment



Some where over the ground and some were still underground.  It is thought they were burial sights and maybe also places of religious significance.  There was some carving inside the Dolmens as well.


Inside a Dolmen


Forest path in Carnac


We also went to an interesting Medieval Village called Rochefort-en-terre, with great architecture and a fantastic art museum.






Entrance to Underground Art Museum, Rochefort-en-terre


Dragonfly, Art Museum, Rochefort-en-terre


Fairy Queen?, Rochefort-en-terre


Illuminated Art, Rochefort-en-terre


Underground Art Museum, Rochefort-en-terre


Outside Sculpture, Rochefort-en-terre

These are but a few visuals of our adventures.  Just enough to get a hint of the creative force in this area of the World.  There is more to come in future chapters.




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