A Visit to Assisi

Monday, July 2, 2018 16:09 | Filled in Travels

I feel so blessed to say I have been able to visit Assisi twice.  The first time was quick, wonderful and I was able to visit so many places where St. Francis experienced his life changes.  This time it was slower and I had more time to think about St. Francis and St. Clare’s life in the town and how Assisi has changed, and yet still exudes much of the same special spiritual presence of these two charismatic saints.

When approaching Assisi the hill-town looks beautiful and is surrounded by a green valley.


Approaching Assisi

Approaching Assisi

We proceeded to the road leading up to Rocca Maggiore, for parking is expensive in Assisi and this road is free to park on and we would not be in anyone’s way.   From there we took a short hike down through the trees to our apartment.


Rocca Maggiore, Assisi

Rocca Maggiore, Assisi

From this Fort, which was used extensively through the time of St. Francis, you can see much of the town and surrounding area.


Some who live in Rocca Maggiore, Assisi

Some who lived in Rocca Maggiore, Assisi


View over Assisi

View over Assisi


Assis from Rocca Maggiore

Assisi from Rocca Maggiore


Walking Trail down to Assisi

Walking Trail down to Assisi

This route provided many great views of Assisi and we enjoyed the ramble.


Trail View of Assisi

Trail View of Assisi


On the Path through Assisi

On the Path through Assisi

While wondering through to our apartment the first thing I noticed were buildings that had been newly renovated but still kept the older material when possible.


Beautifully Restored Building, Assisi

Beautifully Restored Building, Assisi

We found our apartment, got orientated and then wandered through town.


Modern Apartment, Assisi

Modern Apartment, Assisi

Assisi is a maze of streets, but one cannot get very lost for they all lead back to major areas of town, so we just explored.


Street in Assisi

Street in Assisi


Views from Assisi

Views from Assisi


There are many old buildings that have been repaired and so one sees the old and the new.

The old and older, Assisi

The old and older, Assisi


Dark and quiet places, Assisi

Dark and quiet places, Assisi


Some modern changes, Assisi

Some modern changes, Assisi


While wondering around there are many beautiful images to behold around many corners, that show how precious faith is here.


St. Francis and St. Clare, Assisi

St. Francis and St. Clare with Our Lady, Assisi


Our Lady with Clare and Francis

Our Lady with Clare and Francis


Beautiful artwork over walkway, Assisi

Beautiful artwork over walkway, Assisi

There were a few special places that I wanted to visit and take a few pictures, but even picture taking is restricted in some places because they would distract the prayer of others, so these are some of my favorite places.


Inside St. Stephen's Church, Assisi

Inside St. Stephen’s Church, Assisi

St. Stephen is a very small and quiet place for meditation and prayerful visit.  It would be typical of what small chapels would have been like in the time of St. Francis.


Church of San Rufino, Assisi

Church of San Rufino, Assisi

The Church of San Rufino is where St. Francis was baptized and the baptismal font is still present in the church.  To the left of the church and where St. Clare lived with her family when they were in Assisi


Basilica di Santa Chiara, Assisi

Basilica di Santa Chiara, Assisi

The original San Damiano Cross is in this Basilica and in the basement are the remains of St. Clare and a space for meditation and prayer.


Chapel of Picolo, Assisi

Chapel of Picolo, Assisi

After St. Francis died, a cousin of Francis had this chapel built below Francis’s original home,  being originally the stables.  And of course there was the original house somewhat I’m sure updated.


Francis's House, Assisi

Francis’s House, Assisi


Early one morning I decided to go to San Damiano, which is a little walk out of the town gates of Assisi.  The morning was beautiful and I took a view pictures.


One of the Residents of Assisi

One of the Residents of Assisi


Road to San Damiano, Assisi

Road to San Damiano, Assisi


Sculpture of Friar, Assisi

Sculpture of Friar, Assisi

Just one of the many surprises to see when wondering through the woods.


San Damiano, Assisi

San Damiano, Assisi

San Damiano is where St. Francis was first inspired to serve the Lord and he was brought back here when very ill and was cared for by the sisters of St. Clare, until near his death.


Chapel at San Damiano, Assisi

Chapel at San Damiano, Assisi

I also wanted to visit the Basilica housing the remains of St. Francis and spend some quiet time there.  It is a very busy place with many people and photos are not allowed so I took an outdoor photo and I hope others have an opportunity to see this place, ponder the life of St. Francis and appreciate the beautiful artwork that was done by Giotto to honor St. Francis inspirational life.


Basilica of St. Franci, Assisi

Basilica of St. Franci, Assisi

I took many pictures from my apartment because the view was so good and then my few days were over.


Our Lady of Angels from Assisi

Our Lady of Angels from Assisi



Over the Rooftops of Assisi


Umbrian valley from Assisi

Umbrian valley from Assisi


Beautiful Valley from Assisi

Beautiful Valley from Assisi

Leaving Assisi in the morning gave us a beautiful misty view of Mount Subio.


 Mist of Mount Subio, Assisi

Mist of Mount Subio, Assisi

St. Francis was one to go to far away places to pray and contemplate.  This was very important to him and one of the places he went to is a small island call Isola Maggiore on Lake Trasimeno.  Francis asked Brother Leo to row him there and leave him for a few days.  When we arrived there it was very windy and very dangerous for a small boat to be out on the lake, so I could image how difficult it might have been to reach the island and come back.  Also, the island was uninhabited then and there are only about 35 people there today, so it is still pretty desolate.  Hope you all find good and safe places to do your contemplating.


Isola Maggiore, LakeTrasimeno

Isola Maggiore, LakeTrasimeno


Before leaving the area, we visited our Lady of Angels outside of Assisi where St. Francis was given some land by the Benedictines of Monte Subasio, for his small group of Brothers to live.  It is now surrounded by a beautiful church, but one can still see the solid little church where St. Francis and his small group of friars found their focus.


Basilica of Saint Mary and the Angels, Porziuncola

Basilica of Saint Mary and the Angels, Porziuncola


Franciscan Image at Porziuncola

Franciscan Image at Porziuncola


Symbol of Mary of the Angels Basicila in Porziuncola

Symbol of Mary of the Angels Basicila in Porziuncola


I also said prayers, while the church was quiet and peaceful, in the original chapel.


Original Church at Porziuncola

Original Church at Porziuncola

I will always cherish the precious time spent in this area of Italy and will always remember it’s beauty and inspiring nature.


Sundown from Assisi

Sundown from Assisi

Wishing you all inspiring moments that add to your life and to that of others.


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